- Category: Tilt Five
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 628
We got our full cylinder TPU based rollable boards preorder item available in our store now !
Good news for those whom been asking when and if we would produce the TPU rollable boards again.
The answer is Yes, at least that depends on all of you that are still out there looking for this board upgrade set for the Tilt Five system.
We decided to just let anybody be able to preorder this item via an item in our store, as soon as we got enough people placing the order we will contact each one of you to confirm you still want to have it at the time we plan to produce them.
We could have done a kickstarter, but that woudl restrict the time limit and also kickstater would take a bunch of the collected money too, that would result in us being forced to even ask higher prices.
The current price we try to maintain is $100, but it could change at the time we manufacture although we have good faith that it is possible as we are not focussed on profits on those boards.
Not having much profits on those also is actually the reasonw hy we need to produce them in a preorder batch, else we take all the risk on a product that does not make really profits.
Why we are doing this ? Well the reason always been the same, just to have a better alternative board for your Tilt Five experiences.
We want you to enjoy every game at an optimal way and as we are the only ones making those additional board we dont want to let the people left with no other options.
So it comes as aways down to all the Tilt Five community users to make this happen or not, we think this is the most fair way to move forward in producing TPU rollable boards.
There will be only the full cylinder with additional the option to add an ARCade sheet into it.
Why this is the case is simply for us to control our SKU and for you the win is that this is the best deal you can get as the shipping cost for this package is optimal, sending just 1 board would still cost the same for shipping too, alternative adding the ARCade into it also does not impact shipping prices.
There will be no money collection on your preorders, the preorder item is there so we have some record from each of you willing to buy it, it's the easiest way to keep track for us as well as for you.
It makes it easier as everyone noramally would come via email, discord or titter replies, its hard to keep track in that way.
Offically we wanted to wait for CATAN release, but that seems to be now not valid for us anymore as we are reaching our own release dates soon for our content.
More will be revealed later on, but that was also a reason to move forward faster to give the option for preorders.
Afterall we believe every game deserves some love, and boards are part of this too.
Any questions feel free to conatct us by email or discord.